
History of Bannockburn

Bannockburn Estates and Bannockburn Heights are located between MacArthur Boulevard and River Road.  There are many custom homes on half acre plus lots with mature trees. The neighborhood was developed in the 1960's with some building continuing into the 1970's. Some of the architecture is traditional; much of it is custom contemporary.  A number of homes have been renovated with additions, and there are also a number of new homes.  You can see the boundaries of the BCA neighborhood here. 

A portion of the BCA neighborhood is covered by special covenants that affect residents’ rights to improve or use their property in the covered area as stated in the covenants.  This area is roughly bounded by Wilson Lane, River Road, Booze Creek Park and Cabin John Parkway.  You can view a map of the covenants area and read FAQs concerning the covenants. The covenants are an integral part of the titles to our properties and we became parties to them when we bought our property here.

The Battle of Bannockburn in June 1314 was a significant Scottish victory in the wars of Scottish independence.  Many of the streets in the BCA neighborhood have Scottish names.