

The BCA Board solicits your ideas and support. If you are interested in working on any of the below committees or the website, please contact me or any board member.

Neighborhood Security[Top]

John Hannula, Committee Chair

Our Neighborhood Security Committee works with our block captains to encourage neighbors to be watchful and look out for one another. If you have any questions or suggestions, contact committee chair John Hannula. The other members of this committee are Barry Fausnaugh, Seth Goldstein, Ian Greathead, Mike McCarthy, Samuel Marien-Efron, and Geert Van Brandt.

Please review the Neighborhood and Personal Security suggestions.


Karen Lesser, Treasurer

BCA's Treasurer pays our bills, deposits contributions to our bank account, and monitors our finances. Dues are important to fund our festivals, meetings and other activities.

Website and Online Groups[Top]

Matt Koll, Committee Chair

This committee maintains and updates our BCA Website and Google Groups messaging service. Matt and Gitika are admins in the messaging group.


Gitika Kaul, Committee Chair

This committee helps foster our neighborhood's sense of community by organizing festivals and working with our welcoming committee and our communication platforms. Please feel free to reach out with ideas or suggestions for community cohesion.

Our annual "Spring Festival" picnic is held in May at Concord Park, and our "Fall Festival" is held there in October. If you are interested in assisting with these events please contact the Committee Chair.


Mark Pollak, Committee Chair

Our Covenants Committee continues to monitor construction and permit applications in the neighborhood.This committee addresses new homes and renovations.  If you have any questions, contact Mark. For additional information, please view our Covenants Page

News and Quarterly Meetings[Top]

Ted Garrett

BCA meets quarterly in a meeting room kindly provided by St. Mark. Our meetings are an opportunity to visit with your neighbors, hear committee reports and discuss issues of interest to our neighborhood. We also typically have speakers on diverse topics. If you have suggestions, particularly for speakers, contact Ted Garrett.

Ted Garrett also circulates occasional emails to announce meetings and developments of interest to the neighborhood.


Gala Voya, Committee Chair

Gala and committee members have continued to welcome new BCA neighbors. If you have suggestions and/or would like to work on this effort, or if you know of new residents in the neighborhood, please email Gala.

Tree Canopy[Top]

Geert Van Brandt
Bill Eichbaum
Sebastian Gordon

The Tree Canopy Committee focuses on measures to protect the Tree Canopy in Bannockburn in order to preserve our neighborhood’s character as well as the environment. The first effort, led by Geert Van Brandt, works to persuade owners and builders to share their landscaping plans and adopt best practices to preserve our tree canopy when homes in our neighborhood are constructed or renovated. Because existing laws leave much to be desired, the second effort, led by Bill Eichbaum and Sebastian Gordon, seeks to persuade the County to strengthen laws and regulations to preserve the tree canopy in neighborhoods like ours. Please contact the above Committee members if you have suggestions or wish to be involved.

Also view the Protecting Our Trees page for more information.

Block Captains[Top]

John Hannula, Committee Chair

View List of Block Captains