Email Archives
Subject: Attempted Burglary Today
Date Sent:
January 4, 2012
I regret to report an attempted break in today at a neighbor’s home in the 7000 block of River Road. ADT called our neighbor at work to say that the alarm went off. Our neighbor’s son happened to be on break a few blocks away. He saw nothing in front of the home, went around to the back and encountered an African American man, between 40 and 50, trying to break in the back door. The son chased the man to Glenriddle, where the man had parked his car, alertly took a picture of the license plate with his cell phone, and then called 911. The police have been there in full force, were able to get fingerprints from the back window, and were pleased with the photo of the license plate.
The police told our neighbor that the rash of robberies that we had experienced had stopped until today, but there have been attempted break-ins recently matching the same MO in the neighborhood across River Road.
This is a good reminder that we need to remain vigilant and report suspicious behavior to the police non-emergency number, (301) 279-8000.
I have alerted our Neighborhood Security Committee, which plans to meet later this month, about today's incident. Our committee co-chairs are Ian Greathead and John Hannula.
Dues for 2012 are due on January 1. You can pay via PayPal on our website, or you can send your check for $30 (or more) payable to Bannockburn Citizens Association to Bonnie Garrett, BCA Treasurer, 6604 Broxburn Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817.
Be safe. Regards,
Ted Garrett
BCA President