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Subject: Reporting for Pothole Repairs
Date Sent: March 4, 2016

Hello. Today's subject is potholes. This winter has been tough on our roads. There are numerous potholes in the area, ranging from annoying to dangerous.

You may contact the county and request a pothole repair by dialing 311, which is the county's number for non-emergency government services. Alternatively, you can submitting a request on the county's website for pothole repair.

According to the county's website, potholes are generally inspected and repaired within 3 business days on County maintained roadways (not numbered routes such as Rt. 355, Connecticut Avenue, East-West Highway, or municipalities such as City of Rockville or City of Gaithersburg). Please create a service request with the required fields and provide a brief description of size and location under "Additional Information". Options for locations and or reference points; address, closest intersection, near a business (McDonalds, 7-11, shopping center, etc.) or between 2 streets such as Crabbs Branch Road between Shady Grove Road and Redland Road.

If the road is a numbered route such as Rte. 355, 117, please contact the Maryland State Highway Administration at 301.513.7300.

Best Wishes,
Ted Garrett,
BCA President

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