
Email Archives

Subject: Fall Festival/Pavement Repair Project
Date Sent: September 6, 2016


Fall Festival/Pavement Repair Project

Festival. Our fall festival is scheduled for Sunday, October 23 from 4-6 P.M. at Concord Park. Mark your calendars. It should be another opportunity to visit with your neighbors on a glorious fall day. We will have food and activities for all ages. More details later. In the meantime, if you have suggestions or wish to volunteer, contact Bonnie Garrett at Festival@BannockburnCitizens.org

Pavement Project. You may have received a notice from the County about a pavement patching project in our neighborhood. According to the notice, crews will excavate distressed pavement and replace it with new asphalt. The patching may result in daily short term parking restrictions and alternating one-way traffic patterns. If you have questions, you may call the County Division of Highway Services, Project Manager James McBride 240-777-7603 or the general 311 number.

This is a meeting not to be missed!

As always, the meeting will be an opportunity to visit with your neighbors, discuss BCA activities, hear reports from our Committees, and pass along news and comments. We would particularly like to welcome new neighbors.

Best Wishes,
Ted Garrett,
BCA President

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