Email Archives
Aircraft Noise, Robotic Art, COVID-19 matters, BCA Committees
Date Sent: August 13, 2020
Dear Neighbors: I hope that you are all well and safe. I am writing to update you on several maters.
Airplane Noise. The Montgomery and Arlington county governments have invited interested persons to a virtual meeting this coming Monday, August 17 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM, with the consulting team that was jointly hired by the two counties to study noise mitigation of aircraft from Ronald Reagan National Airport and bring relief to impacted communities. You can participate on Facebook or YouTube:,
The study team wants to hear from you. You can also text questions to 571-348-3053. If you have questions or wish to get involved, you can email Anne Hollander, our BCA representative to the Quiet Skies coalition.
Robotic Art. Since retiring from the NIH in 2002, our neighbor Seth Goldstein has applied his skills to creating complex, whimsical and fascinating kinetic sculptures using servo motors and computers. These are too much fun not to share. Below is a link to a video showing Seth’s latest kinetic sculpture, his "Rube Goldberg Exercise Bike",
Seth’s prior creations include “why knot” (a machine that continuously ties and unties a necktie), “cram guy” (a life-size student “bot” who is frantically cramming for an exam), and “Ro-Bow” (a machine that plays a standard full-size violin.) See:
COVID-19 developments. This is a reminder that Montgomery County offers testing to all residents who think they may have been exposed to COVID-19, or who need testing to meet work requirements. Testing is free. Residents are strongly encouraged to schedule testing appointments; however, anyone who needs a test will receive one. Free testing will be offered on Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Wheaton Library and Community Recreation Center and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Mid-County Community Recreation Center in Silver Spring. You can call the testing helpline 240-777-1755 to make an appointment or make an appointment on line: See the full list of testing options on the County’s Department of Health and Human Services webpage:
Montgomery County remains in phase two of the gradual, evidence-based reopening of the County’s economy. Last week the County Council approved an executive order that allows more types of businesses to open and provides new regulation on activities that are scientifically linked to a greater likelihood of COVID-19 transmission: A number of businesses and activities remain closed:
The County urges everyone to continue to abide by public health guidelines, including practicing physical distancing, wearing face coverings inside stores and businesses and whenever social distancing isn’t possible, and avoiding unnecessary travel to parts of the country where COVID-19 rates are high.
Virtual BCA Meeting. We held our first virtual BCA meeting on July 16, and I expect that we will continue to have similar meetings later this year given the COVID-19 situation. If you have suggestions for meeting topics or speakers, please let me know.<
Website. Matt Koll, our Website Committee Chair and new BCA Board member, has resuscitated and updated our BCA website, Email Matt if there is anything on the website that appears to need updating or if you have other suggestions.
Construction/Trees. Our Covenants Committee chair, Mark Pollak, continues to monitor neighborhood construction and permit applications and communicates with owners and builders about compliance with the BCA covenants, which address front and side setbacks and any change to the footprint of the house, among other matters. See the covenants area of our website: If you learn of, or have questions about, a new construction, renovation or sale, email Mark.
Welcome Committee. Gala Voyt and Cecily Abrams visit and welcome new BCA neighbors. You will often know about new neighbors before we do. If you learn of new arrivals to the neighborhood or would like to help on this committee, please email Gala.
Neighborhood Security. The committee, headed by John Hannula, works with our block captains and the county to monitor incidents and make suggestions improve neighborhood security. John also passes along information from the county police. If you have suggestions or wish to volunteer to be a block captain, email John. Remember: if you see something suspicious, call the police non-emergency number 301-279-8000 or 911 for a crime in progress.
Best Wishes,
Ted Garrett,
BCA President