
Email Archives

Bannockburn Citizens Association: Home Construction and Renovation; Bannockburn Google Group
Date Sent: May 7, 2023


Dear Neighbors: I hope that you are all well and safe and enjoying the fine spring weather in our neighborhood.

Home Construction and Renovation. Our Covenants Committee, Chaired by Mark Pollak, monitors new home construction and renovation in the neighborhood and interacts with owners, builders, and the county as appropriate. If you are aware of or have questions about such construction or renovation, please contact Mark. Covenants@BannockburnCitizens.org.

Because sales and renovations are occurring relatively often in our neighborhood, Mark and I thought it would be a good time to remind all neighbors of the provisions of the Covenants and the BCA process for review.

Properties within Bannockburn Estates are subject to Covenants contained in the property deed, which are part of the title documents. The Covenants affect the use, sale and improvement of the property and may be found at http://bannockburncitizens.org.

The Covenants require that purchasers planning to extensively change or replace a structure shall provide plans to the BCA for approval in advance of construction. This is in addition to the requirement to obtain county building and related permits. The Covenants also require a set back from the street of 60 feet and of 15 feet from the sides of the house to a property line, and they prohibit subdivision of lots without BCA approval.

The BCA website discusses the process for review and approval of plans. See http://www.bannockburncitizens.org/covanants-constitution/covenant-faqs.php.

Among other things, the website discusses county procedures for tree removal that can affect properties in Bannockburn. It also discusses BCA’s commitment to preserve the tree canopy and asks builders and owners to use best practices to preserve trees in all phases of construction and renovation.

The addendum to the Covenants requires property owners to “apprise any prospective purchaser, and all agents who may be involved in the proposed transaction, of the existence of the approved covenants." Moreover, sellers will wish to avoid possible concerns that they failed to disclose facts material to the sale. We thus urge all Bannockburn owners to be aware of the Covenants and provide information about the Covenants early in any sale process.

Google Group. As previously announced, BCA has established a Google Group, similar to a listserv, solely for people living in our Bannockburn Estates neighborhood. You can send messages to the group by emailing them to BannockburnCitizens@googlegroups.com.

Emails sent to the list will appear in your regular email inbox. Our hope is that this Google Group will become a place where our neighbors will greet newcomers, exchange recommendations, learn of local news, ask for help, give away household items no longer needed, and otherwise help to foster a sense of community. If you have any technical questions about how the Google Group operates, please contact Matt Koll, our Chair for the Website and Online Groups, who has developed this resource for BCA: Webmaster@BannockburnCitizens.org.

Best Wishes,
Ted Garrett,
BCA President

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